Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Interior Panels

Once again it's been way too long since I posted. I've been spending lots of time at the airport in the evenings for the last number of weeks working on getting the interior plastic replaced. It's really a very slow, tedious process. All the plastic parts come oversized and require trimming for a proper fit. That wouldn't be so bad if that's all it took but the angles and overlaps of the pieces are such that liberal use of a heat gun is necessary for almost every piece. The easiest piece to fit so far: the pilot's side door sill.
Still haven't found a matching red paint to use for painting those parts that are supposed to be red.
As it turns out almost every plastic part is already a Plane Plastics (formerly Kinze) replacement but is brittle to the point of nearly shattering in some cases. How did the plastic get this way? I've seen comments on various web sites that this may have been caused by the type of paint used but what type of paint would that be? The research will continue.

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